Silke Helfrich is an uninstitutionalized academic and independent activist
She was the regional director of the green political foundation, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean ( html) from 1999 to 2007. This foundation's objectives are to promote ecology, democracy, human rights and justice.
She co-founded Commons Strategies Group html and the Commons Institut html
Her research focusses on developing a Pattern Language for Commoning. While Elinor Ostrom's work was focussed on the institutional aspect of the commons, the most critical question are:
- What happens within these institutions, among stakeholders?
- How does [[commoning] work? Are there principles of or patterns for commoning?
The concept of commoning is blatantly undertheorized. While it is obvious, that there is no panacea nor for the institutional design nor for processes of commoning, the hypothesis is, that the patterns theory and methodology as developed by the mathematician, architect and philosopher Christopher Alexander allows to formulate multiple orientations for commoning.
# Publications
- Edited and co-authored: "Who owns the world ? The rediscovery of the commons" (in German and Spanish; Mexico City 2008 and Munich, 2009);
- with David Bollier: "The Wealth of the Commons - beyond market and state" (Amherst / MA, 2012); and
- with David Bollier: "Patterns of commoning" Amherst / MA, 2015).